
The MetaRheinMainChaosDays (MRMCD) is an annual Chaos Computer Club conference taking place since 2004. As of 2012 it is realised in cooperation with the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da). Organizer is the non-profit MRMCD e.V. along with local hackerspaces, CCC groups and universities.

This year’s motto „Big construcion site IT-Security“ is a tounge-in-cheek comparison of the never-ending construction sites like the big new airport near Berlin or Hamburg’s new philharmonic hall with the endless attempt of building secure IT systems. The surveillance programs of some governments lead to the observation that systems for the protection of security and privacy of significant importance for society — as opposed to the big building projects mentioned above. It indeed is the hope of the organizers, that MRMCD2014 can contribute to the progress of countless projects in the field of IT security.

Beyond that, MRMCD2014 is about a bunch of other topics, including open source, cryptography, social networks, embedded systems, programming languages, anonymity and related social questions. Of course, “fnord” is also a big topic on the conference agenda.

Three days of wide-ranging talks and exciting workshops take place in a creative and relaxed environment you can use to get into touch with interesting people apart from the usual business bullshit. You can talk about unusual ideas and establish contact with people from various research fields.
Tickets for the MRMCD2014 will be available in pre-sale for a fair price, just like the last years.